27 February 2019

Sharing the Love & Loving the Rocks
Starting date for this Blog Time Period
Ending date for this Blog Time Period
13 February 201927 February 2019
Since the last Blog I have
Since the last blog, my group and I had our second rock painting party with Ms. Robbins action period.
The students painted around 40 rocks (approximately 2 per student). The students shared the rocks
with their friends and some kept them for themselves. I posted on our Instagram a few new photos for
our viewers as well. More rocks have been passed out to students in our class and around the school too.
My group and I have decided to paint the last few rocks we have left over to use while presenting our
TED Talk. Finally, I worked with Tehani on making our slides for the upcoming presentation as well.

This is a photo of 3/4 of my group with our rocks in hand that we took since the last blog period at school:
I am now working on
Currently, I am working on receiving rocks from Tehani that I will be painting to show while we have our TED talk presentation. I am waiting on around 10-15 rocks in the next week or few days from now. I am also working on completing the slides for the presentation coming soon. I am adding more talking points and photos onto our slides, making it look cohesive with the color theme the slides have. I am also working on posting more photos on our Instagram for our viewers. Finally, I am working on practicing for our TED Talk video using the script my other group members are in charge of creating. 
Next steps
Next, I plan on finishing my TED Talk slides and presenting my project to my fellow students.
I plan on finishing all the remaining rocks and displaying them while presenting, then giving them away
to fellow students on campus. I also plan on rehersing the presentation with my group in efforts of insuring
our slide show presentation is good and that we have the confidence to present with out hesitation. Finally,
I plan on continuing to post on our group instagram photos of our rocks. That is the basics of what the next
steps in my project are.


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